Friday, October 30, 2009

The authentic journey  …Blog
Authenticity gets easier as you hit 60.  Yaah~oow.  See, we can fearlessly make up words and not even care!
( Note that this new word should sound like you just hit your big toe…and in  case Wiki needs to know means painful)
A time opens to express real stories with real feelings and hey… there is still time for real dreams.
However, even yesterday, I had lunch with a dear friend who was telling me about the death and dying
going on in her family. Well… If Fall is not coming for you, it will. So after our egg rolls, we started
 talking about not really wanting to live as long as Aunt Grotty did ( metaphorically speaking)… after all
 it appears  all the pleasure had left her some 10 years ago. So naturally, we next began to think of creative
 ways to do away with ourselves just before everyone thinks you’re  a  old refrigerator magnet.
Ideas flew… you know like bungee jumping and dog sledding… but then after a moment of calm we decided that
we would decide. ( I know this is a morbid way to start a blog, but hang on. If it’s going to be authentic
then it will be.) So, back to empowerment~ we decided to program our brains to decide how and when.
Having heard this has worked wonders for others… I thought OK…if I haven’t left the planet yet… I’m going
to be 91, (as any plastic surgery I once felt necessary will have worn off and sex would be an illusion)…
and the burden  on others thing might be worse than living with a chimpanzee. Oh, I forgot to tell you…it
will be  Feb. 14th…Valentine’s Day, a day full of expressions of love and calls from your babies. This would
be a subtle way of saying good bye. So, after brushing my teeth and creaming myself thoroughly with lavender
and essential oils, I will slip off this planet into some heavenly sphere.
 Strange~ how we smiled as if now we’re in control...we even felt free to swap fortune cookies
(believing even the cosmos can’t stop us.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cant wait till the next one.. see ya at your 91st birthday!
